What are the Systems of ALS Staging?

The King’s staging system of ALS is a clinical staging system.  It is based on the regions involved and also includes respiratory and nutrition status. Regions may be bulbar (speaking and swallowing), cervical (arm involvement) and lumbar (leg involvement) It is as follows:

  1. Stage 1: first region involved
  2. Stage 2: second region involved
  3. Stage 3: third region involved
  4. Stage 4: nutritional or respiratory failure
  5. Stage 5: death

The MiTOS staging system of ALS is a clinical staging system that focuses on loss of function and categorizes that according to domains.  The four domains are movement, swallowing, communication and breathing. It is as follows:

  1. Stage 0: functional involvement
  2. Stage 1: loss of independence in one domain
  3. Stage 2: loss of independence in two domains
  4. Stage 3: loss of independence in three domains
  5. Stage 4: loss of independence in four domains
  6. Stage 5: death

Synapticure’s team of neuromuscular specialists can meet with you or your loved one to discuss where you are in the stages of the disease. Our team can support you in a number of ways depending on how the disease has progressed, including – but not limited to – genetic testing, insurance navigation, care coordination and mental health support.

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