What Are Some Early Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is different for everyone, but some common early motor symptoms include:

  1. One-sided resting tremor
  2. Difficulty with slowness of movement and coordination 
  3. Shuffling gait

Some early nonmotor symptoms include:

  1. Decline in sense of smell
  2. Acting out dreams during sleep
  3. Constipation
  4. Mood disorders like depression or anxiety

Synapticure’s multidisciplinary team has been helping those living with Parkinson’s for decades and comprises expert movement disorders specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, social workers, nurses, and more. We can help facilitate diagnosis and our experts provide you with a personalized care plan to fit your unique journey with Parkinson’s that includes access to genetic testing and counseling, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, mental health support, clinical trials, and investigational therapies.

Your first consultation with us is at no cost, and your ongoing care should be covered by most insurance. We look forward to caring for you and your loved ones. Have questions? Give us a call at (855) 255-5917.

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