What You Need to Know About Our Collaborative Mental Health Care Program

Noreen Flanagan MD

January 29, 2024

Noreen Flanagan MD
February 9, 2024

Synapticure is now providing compassionate, personalized mental health support to patients and caregivers across the US living with neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and related dementias, Parkinson’s, ALS, PLS, Huntington’s, and additional diagnoses. Our tenured clinical team has decades of experience working with people living with neurodegenerative diseases and is ready to support your journey.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out our webinar below to hear from some of our team members about how Synapticure’s Collaborative Mental Health Care Program works and why it may be beneficial for you and your loved ones.

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions about our Collaborative Mental Health Care Program. If you have additional questions not answered below or are interested in learning more about this program, please reach out to us. If you are already enrolled with Synapticure, please contact your care coordinator by phone or email to discuss your interest and any other questions you have.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis call, text, or chat 988, the 24-hour Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.


How does the process work and how often do I meet with my mental health care team?

At Synapticure, we have a dedicated team of care coordinators, therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists with deep expertise and experience in neurodegenerative diseases who are eager to support the mental health needs of you and your caregiver. When you sign up, you will be connected with a care coordinator who will work with you, your caregivers, and your interdisciplinary team to determine the best plan of action to address your mental health concerns.

If you are interested in talk therapy services or your caregiver is interested in additional support, your mental health care manager will help you schedule a visit with one of our psychologists. You and your psychologist will come up with goals to address your mental health concerns and decide how often to meet.

When do I know it’s the right time to start mental health services? 

There is never a wrong time to begin the process of receiving mental health support. If you are curious about the program, your Synapticure neurologist and care coordinator would welcome the opportunity to discuss your curiosity and provide guidance on whether this would be a good fit for you and your caregiver(s).

Common reasons people seek out mental health support include symptoms of anxiety, depression, grief, or worry. If you are experiencing these symptoms or looking for extra support for your caregivers or family members, reach out to your Synapticure care coordinator to learn more about our collaborative mental health program.

How is this program beneficial to me? What about my caregivers and family members? 

We recognize that people with neurodegenerative diseases tend to have better outcomes and quality of life if their mental health needs are addressed and if their caregivers are supported in their caregiving roles. Therefore, we encourage caregivers and/or family members to seek mental health support through Synapticure, provided their loved one receiving care consents. We offer counseling services for both the patient and caregiver in support of the caregiving role.

I already meet with a care coordinator monthly. What does a mental health care manager do differently than my care coordinator?

Your mental health care manager is on your team to help you navigate the needs of your mental health concerns. They work with you to identify your mental health goals, connect you with a Synapticure psychologist, review your situation and medications with a psychiatrist, and communicate team recommendations for you and your neurologist to make informed decisions together.

How does the Collaborative Care Model work if my neurologist is not associated with Synapticure?

At Synapticure, we collaborate with you and your current/local care team, if you have one, to make sure you receive care tailored to you and your needs. 

We also believe that mental health care is best delivered collaboratively. As such, we require all patients receiving mental health care through Synapticure to also see a Synapticure neurologist, who will work with your therapist, psychologist, and psychiatrist to ensure all mental health care adheres to your neurological care plan. If you have an in-person care team, they are kept up to date on your care. We can also route all medication changes through your original neurologist if preferred.

I’m a caregiver and I’m concerned that my loved one is experiencing personality,  behavioral, and memory changes related to their disease. Does your mental health team help with cognitive testing as well as counseling?

Our team is here to support you and your loved ones in any way we can. Our neuropsychologists can facilitate cognitive testing including specialized remote testing from your home or collaborating with referrals in the community for neuropsychological evaluations of your loved one. Our care coordinators and mental health care managers are also available to help you navigate your loved one’s specific needs and answer any questions.

Where do you provide mental health care?

We have licensed team members in most states, but not all yet. However, our neurologists are licensed in all 50 states, so we can begin the process with you while we actively work to license all team members. Reach out to us today and we will be in touch to answer all of your questions.

How do I pay for mental health care through Synapticure?

If you have a Medicare Supplemental plan that is in-network with Synapticure, then it is likely to be covered. If you have a commercial plan or Medicare Advantage and would like to look into your exact coverage to know more thoroughly you can email our insurance navigator directly at sabrina@synapticure.com.

If I already have a therapist, can we still work with Synapticure?

Yes, Synapticure will work directly in collaboration with your on-the-ground team. Our licensed mental health providers have decades of experience working with people living with Alzheimer’s and related dementia, ALS, Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative conditions. This can be very helpful to you and your local clinical team as Synapticure’s providers can offer extra support related to your specific diagnosis.

Many people enrolled with Synapticure have found it helpful to have this additional support, especially as it relates to reviewing medications, side effects, and symptoms specific to your neurodegenerative disease. Some patients who have outside psychiatric providers but not therapists have also benefited from the therapy services Synapticure offers. Outside providers have appreciated a second opinion as well.

Ready to get started?

Your first consultation with a care navigator is at no cost. Give us a call at 855-255-5917 for details.

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